Energy Saving / Sustainability Projects
By installing the latest efficient technology available, FSD Solutions will maximize your power savings. Some of the energy-savvy initiatives that FSD can implement to help your business smarten up their energy consumption include:
Coal Fired Power Stations
Replacing the use of power from coal-fired power stations with alternative energy sources like Photo Voltaic (PV), which uses solar energy, thus eliminating the release of harmful coal pollutants. Further – after the initial capital expenditure at onset – PV is cheaper and more environmentally friendly by far than coal-fired power stations.
Replacing traditional geysers with heat pumps, which consume less power, and result in an average electricity saving of 30 percent.
Light fittings
Replacing halogen down lights with far more efficient LED lights, resulting in electricity savings of up to 80 percent, and reducing replacement costs due to the longevity of LED fittings (40 000 hours);
Replacing T12 & T8 fluorescent lights with much more efficient T5 technology, resulting in electricity savings of up to 35 percent, and reducing replacement costs due to the longevity of T5 lights (18 000 hours); and
Installing occupancy sensors to keep light usage to an absolute minimum.