Itemba cites geysers as one of the appliances which consumes the highest amount of electricity. We would like to provide you with some tips to lower your electricity consumption:
- Turn off your geyser when not in use.
- Install a timer on your geyser. A timer is one of the simplest and most effective ways of controlling your geyser and, by reducing the number of times it switches on during the day – especially when you don’t need it – you can reduce the electricity consumption of your geyser by around 37%.”
- If you have the option, rather shower than bath as showers use less hot water.
Itemba advises consumers to switch off and unplug all appliances which are not being used:
● Understand that even when an appliance (like a TV or computer) is on standby, it’s
still consuming electricity. Rather switch appliances off when not in use.
● Avoid opening the fridge unnecessarily or for long periods of time so that it does not
use extra power to get back to a cooler temperature.
● Remove the charger from the plug after charging your phone as a plugged in charger
is still consuming energy.
- Where possible install gas appliances – it is safe when installed by an accredited dealer/installer.
- Small kitchen appliances such as toasters, skillets, slow cookers, coffee machines,
and kettles use far less energy than a stove. If you have access to appliances such
as these, rather use them to save energy. - Do not set your fridge temperature colder than necessary. Recommended temperature is between 2 °C and 5 °C for the fridge and between -20°C and – 22°C for the freezer.
- Switch off the lights in rooms which are not in use or use devices such as dimmers
to conserve energy. - Replaces bulbs with the LED bulbs which uses less electricity and lasts longer.